ASIC charge $512 to register a start up company. You can setup a company through our website in less than 10 minutes, real time and talk to us if further clarification require. Our Total fee is only $799 for company formation, which include Company Registration Certificate and all related documents.
All information provided on this webpage is general information about our products and services. Nothing on this webpage is intended to be professional advice of any kind and should not be relied on as such. Sometime company structure is complex, so you should seek legal, financial and professional advice as require. See our Terms and Conditions. You may also book an appointment with us after company formation, we can help accounting and tax related advice. Book An Appointment
Once you complete our easy to fill up services, it takes 5-10 minutes to receive all information directly to your email. We will follow up if any update require from ASIC. Our team will email you or call you for further information, if require. We are sydney based, so you may call us between 8am-8pm AEST.
General information include Email, Mobile, Telephone number. Principal place of business and registered office address.
Each Director and secretary to provide Full name, Full residential address, date of birth, place of birth.
Each shareholder Full name, address, and number of shares for each shareholder of the company.
As soon as you received Company Registration Certificate, usually 15 minutes. You can also open bank account once you have A C N (Australian Company Number) ready.
We Ensure everything as per Australian Law, registered with ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) and ATO (Australian Taxation Office)
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