Business Names has extra power, for first impression, business strategy & target audience.
Other people or customers to find you, locate you, refer you and communicate you need an Excellent business name.
You can register whatever business name you want — as long as that name is allowed and available in Australia. Once you complete our simple questions, ASIC will reserve the business name within minutes and shortly afterwards, email you the record of registration, it’s that simple.
How long does it take?
You can register a business name in 10 minutes, or simply add when you register your company with us.
Why Aus Company Business Name Registration?
- Find and Search, easy to check name availability.
- Easy to fill up questions.
- Direct link to ASIC for immediate business name protection.
- Real time business name availability search.
- Extensive online help and local support as require
FREE when you register with us
- 5 Minutes Consultancy – Book An Appointment now
- 1 Month Accounting Software if require
- 10 Pages accounting, bookkeeping and tax resources