
Australian Company Number - ACN

This is a nine digit number that identifies your company


Australian Business Number - ABN

When you incorporate a company, you will be issued with an ABN 11 Digit number.


Tax File Number - TFN

Your company will need its own Tax File Number (TFN) for tax purposes. You will be able to register for a TFN at the same time as registering for an ABN.


Goods and Services Tax - GST

You must register for Goods and Services Tax (GST) if you are turning over, or likely to turnover, more than $75,000 annually. This is calculated as your company’s gross income [total sales income], not your company’s profit. If you do not fit into this category, then registering for GST is optional. You will be able to register for GST at the same time as you are registering for an ABN.


Pay As You Go - PAYG

If you are an employer, you will need to register for Pay as you go (PAYG). This is because you have a legal requirement to keep a portion of payments made to your employees and other businesses and then make these payments to the Australian Tax Office (ATO).



Customers Reviews

Steven WalkerdenSteven Walkerden
04:24 09 Apr 22
Very professional service and very easy to deal with highly recommend there services.
Hamed GhabeshipourHamed Ghabeshipour
00:10 06 Apr 22
Best customer service and so organis and good advisor im so happy they take care of my paper work thanks to all.
Ali MondalAli Mondal
00:31 30 Mar 22
I have been with this reconciled business accountants for more than 2 years. I got very amazing service from this reconciled business accountants they are very professional and they always look after the client's interest I'm very happy with this reconciled business accounts for having good service.
Md Abu SufianMd Abu Sufian
06:13 14 Mar 22
Good accounting firm in Bankstown sydney. Their service was really good and quick. I went there several times and never been disappointed. Really appreciate their service and recommend. They provide financial and accounting solutions for individual and companies.
Minhaj ChowdhuryMinhaj Chowdhury
15:52 06 Sep 21
Excellent Service. I liked their friendly attitude and they are very professional in regards to service they provide.